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The Most Likely To Tag

The Most Likely To Tag

Who is the most likely? Grab a friend and together make guesses at who you think would be the most likely to find themselves in the following situations!

The Most Likely To Questions:

1. Most likely to break out in song in a public place?
2. Most likely to get into a fight?
3. Most likely to say douchey things.
4. Most likely to be able to cook a good meal.
5. Most likely to lose their temper.
6. Most likely to flirt with a waitress or cashier…
7. Most likely to profess their feelings about something…
8. Most likely to say something they will eventually regret…
9. Most likely to fall asleep at a party…
10. Most likely to take the longest to get ready…
11. Most likely to laugh at a serious situation…
12. Most likely to get married first…
13. Most likely to eat sweets…
14. Most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse…
15. Most likely to cry when happy…
16. Most likely to pee their pants…
17. Most likely to have better dance moves…
18. Most likely to cry in public…
19. Most likely to forget something important…
20. Most likely to have the most energy throughout the day…
21. Most likely to go to the store and get more than one sample…
22. Most likely to have the most children…
23. Most likely to take selfies…
24. Most likely to be more clumsy…
25. Most likely to be more positive…
26. Most likely to become president…

Examples here:

Great America Moonshine

Great America Malt Specialty

I postponed a Pinterest drink this week to bring you a taste test with Marci that involves this Great America moonshine. Actually it’s a ‘malt specialty’. I thought it was going to be an adorable version of Mike’s Hard Lemonade that I stumbled upon. I’m like a child. I don’t read labels, I see the pretty packaging and colors and think I need it in my life. Pretty sure it’s exactly that mentality necessary for these drinks to sell because Lord knows it’s not the taste. See for yourself:

(video here)

People have mentioned perhaps MIXING these potent concoctions straight from the jar and I suppose we could have found a drink to put the drink in, but what can I say? Marci and I live dangerously.

Have a great weekend!