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  1. Patty says

    It’s interesting, and oh so nice, when we look back on many things with a softer recall. My spouse shared a response similar to Pat’s when I asked him the same “again” question and it amazed me. Like many couples, we went through our own growing pains along with those of our children; at times, we still do.

    Me thinks we’ve all become experts in dealing with life’s insanity and it’s a positive to think that each of us would pick ourselves up, dust each other off…and do it again!!

    Stay safe!

  2. Jessica says

    I do miss my son being young (he was so freaking cute!) but it is nice now that he’s 12 and can do a lot for himself. Plus, he’s fun to talk to. I’m also not sure I’d go back because I was with my ex then. I’m glad you guys are able to see the good with the very difficult and that you have each other to help each other through it! PS: love the photos!